Data Compliance - How To Make Yourself Compliance-Proof
There have been a couple of revelations in the AdTech space that have put the legality and data compliance of communicating via multi-channel marketing into jeopardy.
There have been a couple of revelations in the AdTech space that have put the legality and data compliance of communicating via multi-channel marketing into jeopardy.
HM Courts and Tribunals (the Tribunal) has delivered the most robust and complete judgement against marketers who “harvest” marketing lists from third-parties
In the case of Optical Express vs Information Commissioner (EA/2015/0014) on the 8th September the following statements have been ruled:
“when a data subject gives consent they must be informed about the processing to take place, including who by and what for. In no other way can consent be said to be ‘informed’”. “If the data subject doesn’t know what products might be marketed then how can he exercise his right to object?”
Most of the industry is going to be kicking and screaming about the unfair ruling, but the street smart amongst us will be able to counter this with smarter opt-in policies and tactics that will allow 100% data compliance.
This is going have big effect on companies who operate in the following ways:
Firstly those who deal with list data, it is going to become impossible to act on this data without it being opted into a brand. If the brand name or company that is going to be doing the follow up is not visible on the opt-in page then this will be breaching the data compliance.
Secondarily big affiliates that send out CPA and CPL emails and drive huge traffic for landing pages and form fills will be looked at more closely.
Questions such as where did the data originate will be swirling around the company’s minds that are buying data. With affiliates possibly needing to pass this information on to pass go.
There will inevitably be people who spring up and find edge cases to overcome these recent changes, but it will be like walking a tightrope and we could see some casualties.
Watching closely where the market was heading we here at DataBowl have developed a smart data management platform that allows companies to collect leads and data for their clients in a 100% compliant and legal way that will make any of these worries a thing of the past.
By applying our lead management technology solution you can carry on scaling up to your wildest dreams with our simple plug in and play solution in minutes.
So what is this ‘new tech’ - Sharebowl is giving companies a new asset to add to their offerings, allowing them to have their own bespoke co-registration lead generation asset in minutes with zero need for in-house tech. If you are a list broker, or an agency that has a new found uncertainty about the future, this is a fix that you can apply right now to make sure you walk away from this unscratched.
Streamlining the lead generation process from multiple angles, below is just some of the ways Sharebowl helps to make you more money: Compliance - There is the 800 pound gorilla beating its chest sorted for you. Worrying about compliance is a thing of the past with the Sharebowl interface and programming all set up.
Database Creation - on the backend of this lead generation system is an advanced database collection method that allows you to add huge volumes to your database and keep driving the traffic back to your future offers on the site - "Lead Nurturing". Opt in users for specific clients you have, and run highly specific co-registration campaigns for branded campaigns as smooth as silk.
Tracking - Advanced affiliate tracking software let you search instantly where the lead came from and under what rules it was obtained. So if you ever get questioned on your ethics there will be zero problem.
Lead Nurturing - You can follow up effortlessly to the traffic you are generating. Not only will your client want to be your new best friend, but it will also further solidify your data compliance practises with a chance for the user to opt out before they are contacted by the client.
In the adtech business things are constantly moving making it anything but a simple business to be in and because of that reason it can be so incredibly rewarding and even tiny improvements to your lead management systems can produce great results.
Using the strategies listed in this article will help you to smoothly sail across these turbulent waters.
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